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履歷表的修改!! 再懇請各位大大協助我了!! 謝謝你們!!

發表於 2013/3/27 22:52:51 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
                    日安!! 各位大大您們好,我是假73期學員,我叫衍順,很感謝能認識各位大大,由於受於經濟上的壓力,一直很希望能找到與Solidworks相關的工作,而一直在履歷上遇到瓶頸,而在履歷上一直無法詮釋的很好,也懇請老師以及各位大大及各位親朋好友,及長官們,再看完我的履歷後,再不吝給我ㄧ些建言了,謝謝你們!! 小弟也在此感激不盡!!

中文自傳:        貴司長官您好,由於看了貴司的工作職缺,我很深感興趣,隨著市場上的需求,也秉持著不斷地持續進修第二專長以補足畫圖設計上的需求,自己也積極去磨練Solidworks這方面的技能,激發自己的思考力如何去滿足客戶的需求,並符合客戶想要的設計理念,於工作中,遇到難題時,勇於承擔,也思考如何去克服,以符合公司與客戶的期待,而於目前工作任內,與國外的供應商應對進退時,也進一步體會如何激發自己的企圖心,並了解如何去適時找出問題的癥節點,也於不斷地核對標案專案上的需求,也讓我適時的去達成標案上的需求,而由於經濟上的壓力,誠心期盼能朝向更進階的腳步邁進。  
而提及到所學的Solidworks技能,依序為草圖編輯,2D轉3D檔(包含伸長填料與除料、旋轉與掃出設定與基準面編輯使用等),完全定義設定,以及工程圖的尺寸標註與公差設定及柱孔標示,以及比例縮放設定,及零件圖轉換成工程圖的使用,及3D建模量測、材質與物質特性編輯、色彩編輯、Draftsight 2D使用等,而目前仍持續進修中,誠請期盼能有機會精進這方面技能,以為貴司盡最大心力。  
而擔任製程副工程師期間,由於受到歐債風暴影響,讓自己在工作上受到波及,但自己對製程的熱衷仍然不減,在過去工作期間,所負責的職務為監控STB8吋和Speedfam 6吋及5吋wafer製程,隨時監控溫度是否在平均值上,及TTV和Rolloff值是否在範圍內,以避免拋不完全,或有particle的產生,也以堅守崗位的態度,提高製程良率,隨時監控黃標及藍標值,以達到提昇產能的要求。  
除此之外工作期間,主要負責的工作事項為管理標案訂單的相關業務事宜,而在任職期間內,也協助主管陸續完成國軍數位迷彩,國軍陸軍短褲和國軍睡袋等標案,並且也以Excel檔列出這些標案所花的費用,以清楚了解如何去降低成本開銷,並且也能適時的達成客戶的需求,而在協助採購副料同時,我都會事先徵詢主管和同事,並且一起討論如何完成此項標案,而在處理進出口方面,自己都會事先整理好出口的Invoice和Packing list並寄給Forwarder,以便於Forwarder能盡快報關,讓在菲律賓的製作工廠能適時安排生產作業,以達成客戶安排的交期,並達成總經理所訂的業績目標。  
Best Regards  
衍順      敬上
英文自傳:        Dear Sirs:   
   Good day!! My name is Daniel Chen. After reviewed your job requirements, I am very interested in your job.First of all, since worked at the Yue-chin Technology corporation last year, I primarily coordinated with the oversea suppliers located in the USA, Canada, Turkey and Germany, France and UK and so on. However, as our company processed the businesses of the non-metallic expansion joint engineering for ages in Taiwan, we need the suitable PTFE fabric material to be applied to any related appropriate fields as well. Meanwhile, by following up the assortments of PTFE required properties, it could be useful for us to decide whether it is suitable for our following product demands and procurement. Most importantly, referring to the shipment, we also used to utilize the FOB or CIF way to decide if it is convenient for us to ship them by air or sea. All in all, by enhancing our interpersonal skills each other , it could be liable for us to know how to conquer the settlements upon faced the music and strengthen the further business relationship with our suppliers in the coming future.   
In relations to my job experiences, I ever took charge of drawing the tube designations in the factories, including the completions of Sunmaterial , Ritdisplay and Chipmos and Tpsi and so on, which contained the chemical elements statues as well. Additionally, when I drew the drafts at Jong-Jin engineering corporation, I ought to have described the dimensions and valve illustrations clearly to be in appliance with our customer demands. However, I hope that I have an opportunity to exalt my autocad skills to be feasible for me to recognize the structure of the factories or else.   
Besides, when I used to work at Waferworks Corporation, I assumed the responsibilities of overseeing 8”、6”and 5” wafer process consequence at STB and Speedfam station, while it will be decided if add or reduce time to reach customer’s demands. That’s to say, the most important was to monitor the TTV and Rolloff variations and notify the engineer if it could be available for next station by yellow and blue label demonstrations on computer. All in all, I am very eager to expand my semi-conductor knowledge to be applied to my job.   
Also, when served at Medtecs Corporation, I had ever processed the procurement and importation-exportation affairs and so on. During the tenure, I also completed the subsequent tender orders to reach our general manager’s requirements with my colleagues. As the cotton price risen suddenly, we confronted the rigorous challenge in the textile market. In addition, we were not only taking notice of the tightness of the warp and weft strictly, but also ahead for the cost-down target to be viable for us to conquer the dilemmas. Meanwhile, before arranging the shipments, I would have kept an eye on the volume of the merchandises to be exempted from the possibilities of the shortage to catch up with the production schedule duly via vessel in the following plant of Philippine.   
In conclusion, as my ages risen gradually, except for my job, I would like to learn how to get along with my colleagues well to make the tasks more streamline. Likewise, I am also very appreciated for my prior mentors teaching me how to overcome the pressure to reach the supervisor’s demands. As for the insufficient portion, I never felt giving up but to search for the solutions by inquiring  my mentors or cram school instructors, and even Youtube. Upon received the missionaries imparted by my supervisors, I hope that I could be reliable and competent person to be qualified with the job. Last but not least, I sincerely wish that I have an opportunity to immerse myself into your company and make progress day after day in the near future. Mostly, would we kindly please you let me know if you are interested in me. Finally, I am very looking forward to receiving your interview news in a few days.Thank you for your attention and concern!!  
Sincerely yours  
Daniel Chen



發表於 2013/4/25 01:42:44 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2013/4/25 16:39:05 | 顯示全部樓層
前輩~看完你的履歷 就像天子所說的真的太多東西不需要了  


個人建議可以像yes123履歷表一樣  做一個屬於自己的表格 讓人一看就知道你得學經歷 很快知道你做過什麼工作 經歷有多少而不是寫一堆會讓人看到一半就不想看下去了


照理說3D製圖職缺是非常多的 幾乎面試一定上   
找主管階級 跟一般的設計工程師 當然差很多

大學剛畢業本科系出來薪水約落在26000~30000左右 再來就是工作經驗往上加   
這是傳廠的薪資大約是這樣  (我剛工作不久同學也都是這個價位)


而我有遇到一個情況:我一個朋友也是去巨匠學了SW 考了國際認證 但也是找不到工作
因為!!!科系不符合  這應該是自學最多人遇到的問題
發表於 2013/4/25 20:14:46 | 顯示全部樓層
非科系的確比較吃虧! 有要求的公司 寧可花一樣的錢請人 也不想浪費時間教  

就像很多人不知甚麼是凸輪 甚麼是右螺旋 對我們本科系來說 是下意識的連結

當RD問起 甚麼是凸輪 甚麼是右螺旋  很多人連講都懶得講  自然就對非本科系有負面的想法

換句話說 公司要你找一位機構RD工程師 開28k  你會怎麼找?

現在是人才過剩的社會  過剩就是會一大堆 沒有一項精通

如果你SW很強  就算是非本科系 大郎敢保證你一定找得到工作

就怕SW普普 有一張國際認證+非本科系想要求職一定找不到.. 因為 95%的業主都吃過這樣的虧  打死都不會錄取這樣的背景

5% 業主因為沒經驗  下回就會學乖 不要找非相關科系的進來

這麼說好像非本科系就死路一條也不是 只是你會比別人累 並且要有心理準備人家會挑剔你  


如果你要轉業! 大郎教你訣竅

1 把SW練強(不是熟) 強到別人問不倒

2 不要道聽塗說 ... 不要想太多

3 證照非常重要 不要聽別人說: 我們不看證照的  你就笨笨的不考證照

4 你一定要有作品  找複雜的機構來畫

5 不要想到處學設計  因為你連圖都畫不好

6 薪水壓到2萬以下 用學徒的態度求職  << 這招保證被錄取 只是你敢不敢

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